What are you doing this National Hat Day? Oh, wait, you didn't know? Honestly, neither did we until OC's Gil, known for her crazy Google tangents, discovered that Sunday is, in fact, the semi-official hat holiday. And just look at how much fun OCNY's Angela and Marcus are having in these incredibly adorable Bernstock Speirs bunny caps!
So what better time to introduce the rest of the brand's resort collection? Milliners Paul Bernstock and Thelma Speirs have been turning out total gems from their store on London's Brick Lane since 1982. Raising their caps to the local Shoreditch club kids, the designers have a soft spot for quirky details, like these iconic bunny ears (see them here in our spring editorial), or the sweet check trim on their peak caps. So bag yourself a boater and see in the big day this Sunday!
Shop all Bernstock Speirs here and shop all hats here.
Hi, Angela! Hi, Marcus! OCNY associates in Bernstock Speirs Bunny Caps
Bunny cap in navy
Bunny cap in white
Bunny cap in red
Check cap in navy
Check cap in red
BOATER in white
boater in navy
So what better time to introduce the rest of the brand's resort collection? Milliners Paul Bernstock and Thelma Speirs have been turning out total gems from their store on London's Brick Lane since 1982. Raising their caps to the local Shoreditch club kids, the designers have a soft spot for quirky details, like these iconic bunny ears (see them here in our spring editorial), or the sweet check trim on their peak caps. So bag yourself a boater and see in the big day this Sunday!
Shop all Bernstock Speirs here and shop all hats here.
Hi, Angela! Hi, Marcus! OCNY associates in Bernstock Speirs Bunny Caps
Bunny cap in navy
Bunny cap in white
Bunny cap in red
Check cap in navy
Check cap in red
BOATER in white
boater in navy