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Fashion Against The Grain: Michael K. Williams

Most people know Michael K. Williams from “The Greatest Show Ever,” aka The Wire. During the show’s five-season run, Williams stole the show as Omar Little, Baltimore’s Robin Hood stick-up man known for robbing street-level drug dealers while adhering to a strict moral code and altogether badass demeanor. He’s also recognized for another equally badass role as Chalky White on HBO’s Boardwalk Empire, playing a racketeer who became leader of the African-American community in Prohibition-era Atlantic City.

It’s fitting that Williams is often cast as strong-willed tough guys who go against the grain. From Omar Little’s own form of justice to Chalky White’s rise, Williams simulates his on-screen characters and their beliefs in his own life. With the nation’s eyes turning to Baltimore—a city where the corrupt day-to-day life was firstly exposed and popularized on The Wire, and following a year where police brutality issues are finally coming to light—Williams has consistently voiced his opinion and made it clear: his main focus is giving back to the community life that raised him. For instance, Williams is ACLU Ambassador for Ending Mass Incarceration, in addition to running his own non-profit, Making Kids Win, which develops kids’ community centers for stimulating creative growth.

Studio One Eighty Nine’s Abrima Erwiah and Rosario Dawson (also Williams’ co-star in Erykah Badu’s Western They Die By Dawn) caught up with the actor to discuss paying it forward and keeping hope alive during a time when the country needs it most.

Check out our other interviews embodying Studio One Eighty Nine’s motto “Boa me na me mwoa wo,” where Rosario Dawson and Abrima Erwiah talk with people making a difference.

Shop all Studio One Eighty Nine women’s and men’s

ROSARIO DAWSON: We know that there are people in our lives who helped us change our course, people who maybe saw something that we didn’t see in ourselves, and people we allowed to help us. Who is that someone who helped you on your path to success?
MICHAEL K. WILLIAMS: For me, a person that I allowed to help me was Lou Gossett, Jr. Lou came into my life through a job and we immediately connected on several levels as father-and-son, as friends, and as my big brother. I had hit a snag on a personal level and he was very equipped to help me deal with it. It took our friendship to another level and I’m totally grateful for having him in my life, to be able to call him my big brother.

ABRIMA ERWIAH: That’s dope. At a recent conference Studio One Eighty Nine was a part of, a woman said to me, “When you have a mentor, they share their experiences with you. Even th

Run, Don't Walk: Opening Ceremony x Teva

Our love affair with Teva—much like the sandals themselves—is proven to be built to last. OC co-founder Humberto Leon’s obsession with the sporty footwear dates back over 20 years. According to Humberto himself, “I bought my first pair of Tevas when I went to Yosemite in 1993. I needed something that I could wear in and out of water. I had turquoise patterned ones. That’s where I first fell in love with the shoes.” The fond memories of Tevas past culminated in our first collaboration with the brand back in 2014, featuring bright colors, metallics, and neoprene. After the immense success of our first collection, we hit up Teva again this season for a new round of sporty, all-terrain sandal goodness.

With a collection this full of summery colors, textured leathers, and unexpected platforms, we knew that we had to raise the bar in the editorial department. We called upon still life artist Sonia Rentsch to create a series of kaleidoscopic images to capture the fun, playful vibes of the pieces themselves. On the subject of her inspirations behind the photographs, Rentsch cited the works of German painter Oskar Schlemmer. Says the artist herself, “Inspired by his ideas surrounding the use of the human body as an artistic medium, I pondered the use of feet and legs as still life objects. Things I could move and shape within the camera frame abstracting the limbs into architectural forms. The end product, like Teva, is a highly considered idea with a simple desire to please.”

Shop all Opening Ceremony x Teva for women and menClick through to view our latest editorial by Sonia Rentsch

New Horoscopes: Manic March


Cosmic Themes
You'll be dancing with the stars in May, while Jupiter—in your 5th house of pleasure and amusement—makes an exciting aspect with future-minded Uranus in Aries. Positive vibes are totally trending this season. You could start the month with some lingering questions or unfinished business after all the changes that rocked your world in April and March, but you will soon be jumping forward with confidence. Your ruling planet Mars continues to relax in Taurus for the first 12 days of May, so you might not be ready to pirouette just yet, but as soon as Mars enters Gemini you will be ready for a more ambitious routine. While Mars is in Gemini your schedule will be packed with activity, so be ready to multi-task. You will be up for all the activity, but make sure you don't overbook yourself towards the end of the month while Mercury's retrograde makes planning, commuting, and any activity that includes technology somewhat messy.

Full Moon Madness
It became apparent around the full moon in Scorpio on May 4 that the way forward is to unburden yourself from debts, both cosmic and material. You don't need all that excess baggage! Set yourself up on a positive payment plan and get your budget together so you can keep yourself on track. A spring cleaning would be another good way to lighten your load. Aries value freedom and ease—too many possessions weigh you down and make it harder for your vibrant energy to move around the universe like your soul desires. Clean out your closet this week and donate all the unnecessary objects you find to an earth sign, who uses material possessions as a source of comfort.

New Moon News
You know that secret talent you have that you've never really revealed? It's time to share your special skills when the new moon in Taurus on May 18 promotes your self confidence. If you put yourself out there right now, you could possibly even be offered an opportunity to turn your talent into a money-making endeavor. If you feel that there's still a lingering financial situation from earlier in the month, possibly a long-term concern, invest time in it now to manifest change on this new lunar cycle.

Retrograde Realness
The second Mercury retrograde of the year begins on May 19 and lasts until June 11. I have high hopes that Aries will come out of this retrograde fairly unscathed, but you will have to work harder than ever to get your message across clearly. Mercury will be in Gemini racing backwards through your 3rd house which rules communication and commuting, so be mindful of timing while you're on the way to work. Make sure you don't text and drive, or space out on your Instagram feed while crossing the street because this could be totally calamitous under these planetary circumstances, especially since Aries are already accident-prone!

Cosmic Themes
You have a lot of good things going on while May begins thanks to Mars, the planet of action in Taurus stirring up energy all over your personal universe. This is the best time to initiate plans and act on the ideas you've been dreaming up over the past few months now because you will have the energy to follow through. The Taurean way is usually slow and steady, so it might feel shocking to be thrust into the fast lane. Remind yourself that there will be time for a break later in May, but it is essential to power through the first two weeks of the month so you don't lose your cosmic opportunities. Like the bull, you are a kind and gentle creature, but when taunted your temper goes wild. Mars, the planet of aggression, in Taurus could get your blood boiling more easily than usual, so be mindful and understanding if you find yourself in a frustrating situation.

Full Moon Madness
If your desired goal includes working with a partner, use the collaborative energy from the full moon in Scorpio on the early morning of May 4 to build your team. This lunar moment will be focused on relationships for you, and there could be a major milestone for you and your boo – or possibly your business partner. Make sure everyone you are surrounding yourself with truly deserves to be there. If there's a Felicia in your life, this would be the perfect time to say “bye!”

New Moon News
UAK it's time to rejuvenate and relax after all the wild Mars energy you just worked out of your system, and the new moon in Taurus on May 19 will help you regenerate your vibes. Put yourself in a peaceful place and find your center. Bring all your energy back to a state of absolute stillness and meditate on which direction you want to move. The first step you take will be the beginning of a path you follow for the next two years, a full lunar cycle. If you want to get really into the new moon vibes, make a manifestation mood-board and really put your dreams out there.

Retrograde Realness
Did you remember to connect your auto-pay on the internet bill to the right account? Did you double check that you had your wallet in your pocket before leaving the club? Mercury will be retrograde in Gemini, moving through your 2nd house of financial affairs and physical possessions from May 19 until mid June and you need to pay extra attention to money matters. It might feel like everything you own is slipping out of your hands. This can be tough for a Taurus who tends to identify with and find comfort in material possessions, so just remember that there's more to the universe than physical objects. Soul is the most valuable possession you have, and you can be sure that's not going to fall out of your pocket.

Cosmic Themes
Because the universe knows you love variety, you are always given two different energetic trends to master at once. You begin May on the positive side with Venus—the planet of love—in Gemini, surrounding you with an untouchable aura. Without even asking, favors will be offered at every turn. Venus rules all things aesthetically pleasing, so if you have any desire to update your look, this would be the perfect time to spend money on style. Venus wants you to treat yourself right until May 7 when it enters Cancer for the rest of the month. On May 19, your ruling planet Mercury will turn retrograde until mid June, putting everything up in the air. If you have to make any major decisions or moves in the near future, try to take care of them in the beginning of the month when all the good energy will be on your side. While Mercury is retrograde it will be impossible to make any long-term decisions that stick. If you are pressed in to choosing a path, signing a contract, or beginning a new job, just remember that the situation is likely to change in the future.

Full Moon Madness
Good things come to Gemini who juice after the full moon in Scorpio. Landing in your 6th house of health and wellness, this full moon puts habits of diet and exercise on your mind, and something's telling you it might be time to cut out something else that's not so cute from your routine. Get out of your mind and into your body. It's time to stop thinking about going to the gym and actually take the Yoga-lates class you've been planning to attend for weeks.

New Moon News
The New Moon in Taurus on May 18 lands in your 12th house of psychological examination and introspection.This is also just a day before Mercury begins moving retrograde, making everything feel temporarily turned down. Take this moment of stillness to contemplate meaningful matters and get to know yourself better. You're a flighty creature, but you are capable of great depth if you put your mind all the way into something.

Retrograde Realness
Mercury is your ruling planet, so you always feel the effects of a retrograde more than most signs – some examples of the hardships you deal with could be lost phones, missed connections, dropped calls, cancelled plans, or a general state of confusion. Turn this retrograde up by the power of two since Mercury will be in Gemini really focusing all of its energy your way. Mercury enters Gemini on May 1, which actually gives you the power to communicate quite clearly for the first few days of the month. Things start to shift as it gets closer to May 19 when Mercury officially turns backwards. Make note of confusing situations that come up from the May 10 onward because these could be ongoing struggles. May 25 will be by far the foggiest day of the month when Neptune squares Mercury dissolving all the boundaries of reality and turning your brain into mush. On May 27, Mars—the planet of action—meets Mercury in Gemini, giving you a chance to break free and state your case clearly, although the retrograde will continue until mid June.

Cosmic Themes
On May 7, Venus—the planet of peace and love—enters Cancer for the rest of the month giving you a serious cosmic boost. You might have felt like you were swiping right without a match in sight throughout April, but once Venus comes to your sign you will be inundated with notifications that reaffirm your undeniable cuteness. Treat yourself to a shopping trip or a pampered moment like a massage or facial at some point (or possibly multiple points) while Venus is in Cancer. The absolute best day for love this month will be May 16 when Venus makes an enchanting aspect to Neptune, the planet of dreams, in Pisces sending you to another dimension. Whether it's a first time date or a romantic moment with someone who has been in your life for a while, plan on sharing this trip with someone special.

Full Moon Madness
You will have been entertaining a variety of new ideas overnight since the full moon in Scorpio on early morning May 4 falls in your 5th house of pleasure, amusement and inspiration. The 5th house is traditionally related to “children,” which could also be interpreted as your creative output or anything that you “give birth to” metaphorically. A brainchild of yours could be coming to maturity around the date of this full moon, something you've been working on for months that's finally ready to be revealed in public.

New Moon News
The new moon on May 19 falls in your 11th house of social groups and gatherings. The influx of fresh Spring vibes are irresistible and It's time to get out and expand your social sphere. A new phase is beginning in your social life, and while this doesn't mean you have to leave any of your old friends behind, you will have the opportunity to restructure your social situation around this date. The practical and grounded Taurus new moon is super-powerful for manifestation and turning your wishes into reality, so make a list of what you want to see more of in the next few months.

Retrograde Realness
On May 1, Mercury enters Gemini, transiting your 12th house and beginning a meditation on more spiritual matters and philosophical concerns. You might find yourself looking back on events in the past that are still affecting you subconsciously. It's time to audit your emotional state and go clear. But you will be reflecting for a while longer since Mercury goes retrograde on May 18 and continues to transit your 12th house of Karmic concerns until the beginning of June. This retrograde shouldn't be rough on the material plane, but you might feel lost or confused on a more spiritual level. Don't worry, you will find your true path, and there will be much wisdom to gain from this moment of confusion.

Cosmic Themes
In May you will slay the Zodiac, while Jupiter—the planet of positive vibes—makes a fierce aspect with an amped up Uranus in Aries, giving you the energy to take on the most ambitious goals you have. This will be the peak of your once-every-12-years lucky streak, and you won't see energy this exceptional again for a long time—it's seriously extra! Begin the month by making a list of everything you want to make happen and think about how you can realistically tackle all the plans you have. You might realize that you don't necessarily have time to take care of everything on your list, so prioritize the most important plans. The one thing you have to fear is that Jupiter in Leo makes you so enthusiastic that you aren't able to focus and send your energy in too many directions. You will be thinking strongly about your hopes and dreams for the future strongly after Mercury enters Gemini on May 1, but there is a chance you could get your priorities twisted after Mercury goes retrograde on May 19, so check yourself and keep it real.

Full Moon Madness
You've spent the past few weeks focusing on work and getting your goals oriented, but the full moon on the early morning of May 4 brought your focus back on your personal life giving you a break from the social climb. It's important to love your job, but remember that the purpose of work should be to make your personal life possible. Don't feel stressed about leaving work at the office and spend the weekend free of responsibilities. Some kind of career culmination—possibly the ending of a project that's had your attention for a long time—could come around this full moon, but if something does end, you can be sure something new will take its place in two weeks when the new moon puts you back to work.

New Moon News
The Taurus new moon on May 19 is one of the most powerful moments for manifestation all year long, and since it falls in your 10th house of professional goals and public persona, this is an important time to think about your personal brand and how you want it to expand in the future. Develop a clear strategy for your advancement by identifying who you are and how you want to advertise that to the world. A new communication strategy is what you need to improve relations with your public.

Retrograde Realness
Mercury goes retrograde on May 19, transiting your 11th house of social situations. You will want to be extra conscientious of your friends to guarantee that there will be no more drama than necessary. Someone on your social scene could be throwing you some serious side-eye during this retrograde, but the real problem is that they just don't understand what you're all about. It might be hard to get your message across to this person right now, but you should still try to settle the situation amicably, or at least agree to disagree for now. You have many more important things to consider, just say no to the scrubs and the haters.

Cosmic Themes
You're striking a professional high note as May begins, and there are several cosmic moments that will help maximize and crystallize your success before you have to put your thang down flip it and reverse it later in the month when Mercury goes retrograde in your 10th house of career causing you to re-think the direction you're heading in. There's a major push on May 3 when your ruling planet Mercury in your 10th house communicates with powerful Saturn, giving you an opportunity to express your ambition. The energy over this weekend is extremely productive for you, so maximize this opportunity by getting everything in your office organized, sending emails, and making plans for the next two weeks. If you've been planning to reach out to a professional contact about a possible collaboration, they would be extremely responsive around May 6 when dreamy and imaginative Neptune in your 7th house of partnerships communicates with Mercury in your 10th house of career. Your possible partner might not seem clear on the details of the proposal, but if you remain open to all the options a brainstorming session could prove to be extremely productive.

Full Moon Madness
When your ruling planet Mercury goes retrograde later in May it could become difficult to get your message across clearly. This won't be the case this Monday, however, since the full moon in Scorpio helps you communicate exactly how you feel. Use your clearest language to state exactly how you feel on this day and the universe will respond positively to your intentions. You will be busy with paper-work, errands, and activities that involve organization this weekend, but just go with the flow and get things done early so you don't have to worry about the crossed signals to come when Mercury goes retrograde on May 19. More fun will come in the future for sure.

New Moon News
You'll be really getting things done for the first half of May, so by the time the new moon in Taurus on May 18 rolls around you will be ready for a shift in perspective. Plan to do something that helps expand your horizons and gets you out of the daily grind on this date. A day trip out of town in a weird and intriguing location would help eliminate the boredom you could be feeling with your regular routine. If you can't take that much time out of your routine, do something that helps you feel relaxed and clear like going to a spa or a spiritual place.

Retrograde Realness
You share the planet Mercury with Gemini, and whenever it goes retrograde the two of you feel the effects most of all. On May 19 Mercury begins its 2nd retrograde of 2015 moving through the career sector of your chart. If you are feeling fine about the direction in which your work is moving, then you won't have that much to worry about. In fact, you could use this as a moment of pause to do research and development on a project that you didn't have time for in the past few months. Taking “time off” is the best way to deal with a Mercury retrograde. Of course you can't plan your vacation around a retrograde, and you probably wouldn't want to either, but what you can do is lighten your attitude and just let things take their own course. It's impossible to be totally in control of what's going on while the planet of planning is spinning backwards.

Cosmic Themes
Spring has totally sprung and you're ready to have some fun. Get ready for the gala, girl, it's going to be a social season! Jupiter, the planet of positive vibes will spend three more months in your 11th house of groups, but May will be the most fun by far because Jupiter makes a dazzling aspect with Uranus, the planet of surprises in your 7th house of partnerships, connecting you with people all month long in unusual ways. All of your social groups are coming together with you as the pivotal person putting everyone in touch. Plan a party towards the end of the month when the vibes will be the strongest for celebration. Your ruling planet Venus brings her sweetness to your 10th house of career and professional matters on May 7, speaking wonderfully of the work you've done. Venus will be in this positive professional placement until the beginning of June, but if you've been planning to ask for a raise or make a major proposal at work, do it in the window of time between May 7 and May 19 when Mercury goes retrograde.

Full Moon Madness
Money will be on your mind after the full moon in Scorpio on May 4, and you'll be in the mood to do anything if it helps you achieve the financial ability you're seeking. Something might not be quite right in the equation, but your ambitious energy will help you rebalance the books and get everything square. But beware of letting your ambitions turn into anxieties; there's more to life than material concerns, and this phase of consumer consciousness will pass with time.

New Moon News
Commitments you make around the new moon in Taurus on May 19 will be with you for a long time to come, so think seriously before you enter into any agreements. If you want to make a promise or a proposal to someone you love, this would be the ideal time to do it so that your love will last. Don't be afraid to dive into deep waters, you'll have plenty of time to get to know the unfamiliar features of the future as time goes on.

Retrograde Realness
You don't have to worry too much about Mercury's second retrograde of 2015, which begins on May 19 in the sign of Gemini, as much as you should be concerned about the retrograde in Libra later in September. However there will be some side-effects to this retrograde that you should be aware of. If you're planning a trip at the end of May or beginning of June, be super careful with all your possessions and make sure you set your alarm in time to catch your flights because the retrograde will want to cause confusion with every step you take out of town.

Cosmic Themes
You have lots of lunar magic to look forward to this month with a full moon in Scorpio that comes on May 4 putting events of the past two years into sharper focus. So much has changed for you in recent history that it might be difficult to grasp the ultimate meaning, but there is a theme that the full moon will help you understand. You've had a lot of thoughts about relationships and commitment lately, and these subjects will continue to be on your mind for the entire month of May. When Mercury begins retrograde in your 8th house, which rules promises, secrets and commitments on May 19, you might sense that something needs to change in a relationship that seemed solid previously. Discuss your feelings with the person in question and be open to what they have to say. There will be some give and take, but if you can come to a mutually agreeable conclusion your relationship will come out stronger than before.

Full Moon Madness
When a full moon falls in your sign, you reflect on what's happened over the course of the 2 1/2 year lunar cycle. A new moon in Scorpio more than two years ago opened you up and got you started on a tip that you're just now wrapping up. Is this a celebration? Or are you happy to be done with the energy that's leaving your personal universe on May 4? Either way, you will be feeling sentimental and maybe even a little bit emotional this Monday, so give yourself some space to relax and be with your own thoughts.

New Moon News
On the new moon in Taurus on May 18, you will be thinking about relationships and who you want to be partnered with. You will be very open to understanding and connecting with the energy of others, but at the same time aware of your own boundaries and what you need in return for your exchange from a special someone. If you're currently boo-ed up there could be a major milestone in your relationship around this date, but you should remember that since Mercury will be retrograde in your house of commitments for the rest of the month there could easily be a change of plans later. It's not usually the Scorpio way, but try to be flexible and go with the flow.

Retrograde Realness
Don't expect to any promises to be kept in late May and early June, because after Mercury goes retrograde on May 19 in your house of commitments, the energy you feel will be as flaky as a croissant. While you may not be the one breaking the promise, don't expect yourself to be gluten-free. If you attempt to restrict yourself or others during the retrograde, you could be left feeling burnt, so just try to go with the flow and release the stress. On the positive side, you could use the retrograde to renegotiate or reconsider a serious plan you made that feels like it needs revision.


Cosmic Themes
Close the door on the stressful vibes you were feeling all winter and throw away the key. You're about to go from #1 to Infinity in May while a positive placement between three planets in fire signs improve your mood and help distract you from the intense amount of work you've been taking on over the past few months. You've been inundated with everything mundane since Saturn entered Sagittarius, and you haven't been able to ignore these pressing responsibilities no matter how much you would have rather been partying and adventuring. It may have seemed as if all this work was totally thankless, but you will see this month that there will be a reward for the time you spent focusing and building your professional reputation. Venus in Gemini continues to make relationships extra cute for you until May 7. Use the good vibes and positive communication going on between you and your boo early in the month to elevate your emotional understanding. When Mercury goes retrograde on May 19 words will do you no good and there could be some serious misunderstandings if you're trying to take a straightforward approach to your close relationships.

Full Moon Madness
The full moon in Scorpio overnight on May 4 puts your karma in focus, and its time to get past the lives that are holding you back. Your recent rediscovery of responsibility has opened your mind to the effects of your actions and discouraged you from taking the easy way out of situations that normally you would have shrugged off. It might be time to repay a Karmic debt or help someone out who was there for you in the past. Do some good on the full moon and the energy you put out there will come back to you doubly in the future.

New Moon News
Your energy level is amped up by Jupiter, Uranus, and Saturn connecting in the fire signs and the new moon on May 18 will help you figure out new ways to channel this energy. You won't be able to stand still around this date because your soul will be cycling and your body will be racing to keep up. Consider signing up for a new series of classes at the gym and you'll be surprised how dedicated you become in the next few months.

Retrograde Realness
Mercury will be retrograde in your 7th house of relationships for 21 days beginning on May 19, so be super understanding towards your closest companions and attempt to avoid confrontations, they will only lead to confusion while this influence is at play. You should be especially wary of entering any contracts, signing leases, or agreeing to any long term partnerships until Mid-June. If circumstances require that you take one of the previously mentioned actions, be aware that the terms of your agreement are likely to change. This may not be a negative thing, so don't be afraid and remain open to what the universe wants to teach you. There could be flare-ups with BFFs/BFs/GFs around May 27 when fiery and passionate Mars joins Mercury in Gemini, pushing you to get the message across in a way that might not be so nice.

Cosmic Themes
Everything has been embarrassing while the Uranus-Pluto square made life more difficult than you ever thought possible over the past few months, but now things are coming to a new normal that you will finally be able to enjoy. On May 7, Venus, the planet of love, enters Cancer and your 7th house of relationships giving you good luck with others for the rest of May and early June. It will be impossible to resist your charms while Venus is in this totally cute spot, and its highly likely you will meet someone special in the next month. If you're currently in a relationship this will help improve the vibes and renew your commitment. Saturn, the planet of responsibility and Pluto, the planet of power (in Capricorn), are both retrograde well into the Summer, so you should take it easy and not be too serious over the next few months. Abandon your Type-A tendencies and chill out.

Full Moon Madness
The second week of May will be a majorly fun moment for you since the full moon in Scorpio stirs up energy in the social sector of your chart. Accept all the invitations that are extended to you this weekend because you are guaranteed to enjoy yourself. Work is not really on your mind at the moment, but the people you meet over the weekend could still prove to be positive connections in the professional sphere, so make sure you take your business cards with you wherever you go.

New Moon News
Romance that begins around the new moon in Taurus on May 18 will be #blessed twice by the planetary forces. Venus continues to be in the relationship sector of your chart while the moon begins a new cycle in your 5th house of romance, pleasure, and amusement. You will already know when you feel the vibes between you and this special person. If love is totally not on your mind, this new moon will also provide creative rejuvenation and serious inspiration. This could be just what you need to get a project kick-started with a collaborator who's been on your radar.

Retrograde Realness
You could be feeling strangely funk towards the end of the month while Mercury is retrograde in the health sector of your chart. This would be an ideal time to explore dietary concerns or consult an allergist. You might find out a life-long problem was simply caused by an aversion to gluten. Cut out the unnecessary junk from your diet while you're more aware of what's going on with your body.

Cosmic Themes
You will find inspiration in unusual places this month while a series of planetary events in Gemini seek to illuminate creative energy that's been previously untapped. Venus, the planet of love and positive vibes, and Mercury, planet of communication, are in your 5th house of inspiration and amusement as the month begins, and both will reward you for taking risks and following your passion. Don't be afraid to dive in to a new creative project that feels right but doesn't necessarily make sense on paper. You'll figure out the details later, and what matters most is that you get the ball rolling now while the energy is there. You tend to be a group oriented person, but you will find one on one relationships extremely rewarding this month while Jupiter, planet of good luck, shines bright in your 7th house of partnerships. Avoid making serious plans with anyone after Mercury goes retrograde on May 19. You're still allowed to dream together and share ideas, just don't commit until mid-June.

Full Moon Madness
Check your inbox first thing on Monday morning, the full moon in Scorpio on Sunday, May 4 illuminates the career sector of your chart and it could lead to something major in the week ahead. Powerful people in your life are giving you the consideration you deserve. You won't have to ask for favors because the universe already knows what you want to happen.

New Moon News
Get yourself grounded and centered on the new moon in Taurus May 18. It's time to really think about where you want to be in the long-term. What kind of home do you want to have? Do you see yourself having a family? Get serious about building your life and you'll be surprised by how supportive the universe will be right now.

Retrograde Realness
You already had your Mercury retrograde for 2015, so when the planet of communication turns backwards again on May 19 you'll be more prepared for the confusing energy that descends on your world. Mercury in Gemini will move through your 5th house of inspiration, and you could actually receive some seriously enlightening energy from the retrograde. Thinking outside the box and avoiding anything traditional will provide the most positive results.


Cosmic Themes
You will be floating through May on a lavender cloud that insulates you from some of the harsh realities that will be felt by the rest of the Zodiac. Venus, the planet of love enters Cancer on May 7 gliding through your 5th house of pleasure and amusement. This alone would be a lovely influence, bringing romance and exciting vibes into your life, but the influence will be double for you since Neptune, the planet of dreams, currently in Pisces will make a positive aspect to Venus later in the month. You'll be able to channel your wildest dreams into reality while this planetary placement helps you out. Your mood will be elevated all month, but it will be important to keep things level around May 25 and 27 when two aspects with Mercury retrograde in Gemini could create communication conflicts with close friends or family. They might just be jealous of the good vibes you're feeling.

Full Moon Madness
It's time for a spiritual vacation. The full moon overnight gave you dreams and visions of a future with wide open horizons, and what you need to do to get to this place is expand your point of view. Accept and explore new and challenging philosophies. There is no need to get stuck in the dogma you've been following. Let go and let yourself live a little bit more free and easy.

New Moon News
The new moon in Taurus on May 18 comes just a day before Mercury goes retrograde and could reveal an important piece of news that you'll come to understand better in the days to come. Pay attention to what the universe has to tell you today because the message might be delivered in an unusual form. Use your intuition to deduce the practical meaning buried in the code.

Retrograde Realness
On May 19 Mercury enters retrograde in your 4th house which rules sentimental situations and the home environment. Beware of issues with your living situation, and take practical precautions to ensure that everything is in working order in your home or apartment before the retrograde begins because it will be impossible to tackle any improvement or repair projects in your domicile for the month after May 19. This would be an ideal time to get in touch with family who you've lost contact with and share a moment of reunion. If you aren't the one who reaches out, this might happen organically.

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 Bookmark our Cosmic Numbers series, where Morgan gives tips and predictions for specific calendar dates, all month long!

The Old World In Bloom

When it starts to heat up in the city, flowers bloom, my allergies kick in, and all I can think about is one thing: ESCAPE. From going to the beach to catching an upstate train for a hike and a swim, summer for me encompasses freedom. Luckily, I met someone who was born and raised in New York—on an estate no less, built in the 1600s where George Washington and the first Mayor of New York are rumored to be past residents.

Nestled atop the Palisades cliffs of the Hudson River, “The Big House” (as it’s better known) is a beautiful 400-year-old house, full of mystery and old-world splendor. Since it belongs to my girlfriend’s family, many balmy, golden summers have vanished to lazing around, reading, and sneaking about, doing whatever. Here, the two of us are fifteen again, with nothing better to do than steal her parents’ whiskey and try on old, yellowing roller skates in the attic. With upholstered armchairs and colonial-era paintings aplenty, it only seemed fitting to set Opening Ceremony’s latest editorial at the source of my inspiration: bored, in love, with nothing to wear but extravagant J.W. Anderson dresses.

View the editorial hereOn Brianna: Veronique Leroy Short-Sleeve Long Dress in black, Gauchere Fathia Side Tie Jacket in red (available in stores), DORATEYMUR Crow Crocodile Effect Ankle Boots in brown/white. On Alex: undecorated MAN Dot Printed Short-Sleeve Shirt in red, Dries Van Noten Perrish Bis Pants in blue (available in stores), Dries Van Noten Cross-Front Sandals in black (available in stores). View the editorial here

OC Threw a Teva-Themed Fiesta Last Night

What do you get when you combine Cinco de Mayo, OC friends and family, and the launch of our latest collection of Opening Ceremony x Teva sandals? A good time, obviously, and that’s just what happened last night at our 35 Howard Street store. Fresh off her OC-exclusive mixtape, Jubilee—along with friends Egg Foo Young and Dre Skull—provided the perfect soundtrack to the evening. The DJ was of course decked out in her own pair of Opening Ceremony x Teva Flatform Universal Sandals, stating, “I love them because they make me tall, I’m only 4’11”!”

The summery tunes were the perfect compliment to the margaritas, Tiger Beer, and La Newyorkina’s boozy popsicles being passed around the room. To soak up the tequila, Mission Cantina was also standing by with some spicy Mexican bites.

Navigating through the crowded room, we caught a glimpse of OC co-founder Humberto Leon and asked him his thoughts about the evening and his second round collaborating with Teva. “I’ve been the biggest supporter of Teva’s forever, so I’m super excited to have this second collection with them. After selling out online during the pre-order, we’re pumped for the full launch. As for the party, partnering with Mission Cantina on Cinco de Mayo is the perfect way to kick Summer off right.” We can’t help but agree.

Shop Opening Ceremony x Teva for women and men hereL-R: OC's Jesse, Su, Humberto Leon, Terrill Jahleel Weaver and Matthew MazurIt's no Cinco de Mayo party without margaritas.L-R:  Gillian Tozer, OC's Clara, Naomi OtsuMonsieur Jerome and friendLa NewyorkinaOC's Jacky and Zachary ChingOC's Ceilidh and OmarTevas for all!Brenmar and Ruth GrucaOC's Alex and RileyEgg Foo YoungFrancesca Grosso and OC's Jayna

Humberto Leon’s Helmut Lang Memories

A good fragrance is like a good lover, when you think about it. It caresses the skin of your neck, chest, and wrists. It adapts to your body chemistry. And above all, it charms those around you, making you a better version of yourself. “When you connect with a fragrance it’s a match made in heaven,” OC’s Humberto Leon observed recently. “It’s the ultimate relationship.”

Helmut Lang’s Eau de Cologne has long been Humberto's perfume paramour. In 2000, when it came out, the unisex scent was an instant cult hit. When it was discontinued just five years later, Humberto and other rabid collectors scoured the internet for unopened bottles. “I still have five left,” Humberto said of his “stash.” He only opens them on special occasions. “For the past 15 years, I've worn it to everything that's meant anything to me,” he recalled. “Every Met Ball, every awards ceremony, every first date, every dinner. I wore it to the opening of Opening Ceremony in 2002.”

Now, it’s having a homecoming. As of May 7, the smell of orange tree, rose, and musk will once again fill 33 Howard Street (as well as our other stores, physical and virtual). It's part of a relaunch of the Helmut Lang Parfums collection, the first since it was discontinued in 2005. Also back are the equally-cult Eau de Parfum and Cuiron, in the same olfactory family—like “the smell of sheets after a passionate night with my lover,” as Lang once put it.

In their early days, the fragrances were sold at another iconic downtown retail location: the Helmut Lang Parfumerie at 81 Greene Street. When it opened in 2000, the store sold just two products—Lang’s Eau de Cologne and Eau de Parfum. Yet it overflowed with his signature minimalism. The glass bottles were displayed on an austere black cabinet echoing a Richard Serra sculpture. Walking down a hallway, shoppers were greeted by artist Jenny Holzer's post-minimal LED installation.

In the '90s and early-'00s, Holzer—along with Louise Bourgeois, Robert Mapplethorpe, and Juergen Teller—was a frequent collaborator of Lang's. Before the ubiquity of artist collaborations, the Austrian designer, who in 2005 retired from fashion to pursue fine arts, built a brand on conceptual rigor. His stores resembled galleries, yes, and the ads that brought people to them appeared in Artforum and National Geographic rather than Vogue. In them, the dark, sensual clothes were sometimes an afterthought, sometimes absent, like in one spread displaying a 1975 Mapplethorpe self-portrait.

Helmut Lang’s fragrances originated in the art world, too. The Eau De Parfum was originally designed in 1996, as part of a scent installation created with Holzer for the art-and-fashion-themed Florence Biennale. Holzer mounted LED lights displaying poems to ceilings, while Lang designed a scent evoking “the smell a human being leaves behind either in a room or on a piece of clothing,” he put it in

Shop For Mom—With A Lil’ Help From OC At Ace Hotel

Mother’s Day is just around the corner and we know we’re not the only ones who tend to leave gift buying until the last minute. Need some help deciding what to give your mom this Sunday? Don’t worry, our OC at Ace Hotel store has amazing options for every mom out there.

Click through the slideshow above to see OC at Ace Hotel’s top Mother’s Day gift picks. 

Treat your mom to a spa day at home with all of our amazing Aesop products we just received in store. Whether it’s a luxurious hand balm or a shampoo and conditioner set, your mom deserves to feel and look her best! Aesop products (available in store) and Universal Isaac Adam Face Pot in multi. Photos by Remy Holwick Summer is around the corner so why not purchase your mom a new pair of classy and unique footwear…And treat her to a pedicure while you’re at it. Universal Isaac Bikini Top Pot (available in store) and Acne Studios Peggy Croco Sandals in white/blackWhat Mom doesn’t like to smell good? Buying perfumes used to be so tough but now with these Nova and OC Collab Palettes your mom and you can create your own custom scents... Nova OC-Exclusive 70s Wood Perfume Kit, OC-Exclusive 80s Pop Perfume Kit, and OC-Exclusive 60s Tiki Surf Perfume KitDoes your mom seem to have the Mary Poppins ability to fit everything in her bag? Whether it’s Advil, a Band-Aid, hand lotion, or candy, your mom needs somewhere to hold all these items and what better than an OC Handbag. Opening Ceremony Lele Handbag in black and Mini Lele Handbag in tangier multiIs your mom the coolest girl you know? Then why not treat her to a new wardrobe. Whether it’s a summer dress, her very own pair of “mom jeans,” or a timeless leather jacket, we’re sure to have something in store for her. Opening Ceremony Dash Jacquard Double Layer Dress in blush pink multi, Calvin Klein Jeans #mycalvins

The Mirror Cube: Must-See Events Through The Week Of 5/7

We all have that moment where Friday night rolls around and a Netflix binge is the primary “event” option. In order to cure your major case of FOMO, we've teamed up with The Mirror Cube, a new happenings site that features events recommended by artists. With their expert panel of visual artists, actors, writers, and directors, The Mirror Cube brings you the lowdown on what shows, screenings, and exhibits you should check out each week in New York and Los Angeles.

NY: FKA twigs at Brooklyn Hangar, NY
May 17-19
Picked by: Jena Malone
What: As part of Red Bull Music Academy’s month-long festival, the avant-garde musician and dancer will present Congregata, an original theatrical experience inspired by the creation of her 2014 full-length debut, LP1.

Why go: FKA twigs is a certified triple threat: her original vocal, choreography, and production skills have landed LP1 on “Pitchfork's Top 100 Albums of the Decade,” in addition to being included on “Best of 2014” album lists by Rolling Stone, SPIN magazine, and Vulture.

NY: Kehinde Wiley: A New Republic at Brooklyn Museum
Feb 20-May 24
Picked by: Mirror Cube
What: Lush, natural motifs backdrop portraits of contemporary African-Americans, whose poses nod to portraits painted by the old European masters.

Why Go: Wiley's work speaks volumes to modern culture—and people are starting to notice. The New York Times for instance, has said: “In a way that few other living artists match, Mr. Wiley’s art is overtly, legibly full of the present."

NY: The Apu Trilogy at Film Forum
May 8-28
Picked by: Lauren Cohan
What: Janus Films recently restored this Cannes Award-winning coming-of-age saga from Indian filmmaker Satyajit Ray to all of its original glory.

Why Go: The film’s impact on world cinema—with its shoestring budget and cast of non-actors—cannot be quantified. Martin Scorsese called seeing The Apu Trilogy for the first time "one of the great cinematic experiences of my life."

LA: Raymond Pettibon: From My Rumbling at Regen Projects
Apr 23-May 30
Picked by: Natalie Neal
What: Contemporary illustration and collages pair imagery from modern subcultures with texts from literary greats like Marcel Proust and William Blake.

Why Go: Bes

Kali Uchis Brings Us Back In Time In 2015

Music of the present has now taken us right back on a Soundcloud time-travelling trip to an alternate version of the ‘60s-’70s in the form of Kali Uchis. With her April March-esque lyrics with ‘tude, a tinge of Amy Winehouse-meets Astrud Gilberto-inflected soul, and blonde locks that that might just shine brighter than Gwen Stefani’s, the 21 year-old singer-producer is the decade-spanning musical influencer that 2015 needs.

Since releasing her debut mixtape, Drunken Babble, in 2013, Uchis has seen a steady rise on the interwebs. Uchis just released her first full-length EP Por Vida earlier in February and Kali-domination shows no signs of stopping. Filled with bangers that range Tracks such as “Loner” are a brutally honest take on the inner workings of the singer’s mind while lyrics like “Should have left your ass in the friend zone” on the reggae-tinged “Know What I Want” showcase her DGAF attitude. “[Por Vida] centers around things that I was going through. I write about my experiences, so it was more like a diary,” says Uchis. “It was just my relationships with people and becoming a woman—just growing into myself and learning my place and where I wanted to be. I still haven’t reached my full potential, I’m still growing and I’m still very young.”

In the diary form Uchis speaks of, her sincere vocal imperfections and honest lyrics on Por Vida act as an honest peek into the young genre-bending songstress’ world—it’s just not as confrontational as one would think. “I never was the type of person who liked being in the spotlight. I didn’t really go to school, I didn’t go to my own prom, I just worked on art and made my own stuff,” admits the Colombian-born Uchis. “I was very introverted and just ...I don’t like Hollywood shit and networking and going to parties, I would rather work on my shit and let my work speak for itself.”

And it does. The musician cites everyone from Jeanette to Barbara Mason as inspirations, but her influence carries over into her bombshell vintage style and expertly curated music videos, mix covers, and even her Instagram. “The things that I’m inspired by and into are cohesive,” says Uchis. “I like ‘60s and ‘70s music and ‘60s and ‘70s style.

Despite Uchis’ confident demeanor, there are moments where you realize that the driven singer is still an up-and-coming artist who faces the everyday struggles of being a young woman in 2015 while on the verge of making it big at the same time. After collaborating on numerous tracks for Odd Future’s Tyler the Creator’s latest album, Cherry Bomb, Uchis was given the chance to perform tracks with Tyler during Coachella this spring. “I’ve never performed in front of that many people before—it was like a stadium,” says Uchis. “It made it even scarier because I turned around [backstage] and Kanye West was standing there behind me and Beyonce was right there behind him. Then this really creepy dude that I was trying to get away from showed up backstage as well as this guy that I liked and I was like, ‘Why is everyone here right now?”

Everyone is “here” because true recognize true, and Kali is a true voice that can’t be ignored this year. S

From Salvation Army To ‘Self Service’—A Day In The Life Styling Chloe Sevigny

You can all breathe a sigh of relief. Chloë Sevigny just released her first book, titled Chloë Sevigny (Now available for purchase here). Filled with behind-the-scenes photographs from her childhood to today, the 224-page book also takes a look back at the icon’s early model and partying days. We caught up with Bernadette Corporation co- founder Bernadette Van-Huy, one of the women who helped style some of Chloë’s most iconic moments.

Since its creation in 1993, the Bernadette Corporation has been churning out conceptual, anti-corporate statements in virtually every medium imaginable. The collective formed at Club USA, an adult amusement park-cum-nightclub situated in Times Square, and soon after, its constantly evolving members began to sneakily influence the art world with their various videos, books, and of course, fashion projects.

At the core of the collective is Thuy Pham, Antek Walczak, John Kelsey, and Bernadette Van-Huy—a provocative bunch who never had any problems sticking it to the mainstream art and “corporate” fashion worlds. They met after Van-Huy returned to New York City after college. “My cousin, Seth Shapiro, moved up to the city from Virginia. I latched myself onto him and his friends, like Thuy. Something about them—their wry humor—spoke to me, and slowly, my coma cracked,” says Bernadette Van-Huy. “They were pop. Into fashion. I used to spend hours at the magazine stands, like Tower Records, studying fashion magazine after magazine, learning the designers so I could tell them apart.”

The magazine study sessions would later prove to be successful as the collective soon found their work in the likes of Purple and Visionaire, as well as their own editorial creation, Made in USA. It only seemed fitting that the same environment where the Bernadette Corp. first took root would also cultivate a similar party setting where they would discover future collaborator—and future icon—the then-unknown Chloë Sevigny.

“Thuy and I were at a club with some friends and he noticed Chloë at the other end of the room,” recalls Van-Huy. “He thought we should use her as a model, so I went up to her and asked her. I remember her reaction pretty well: it was sweet—she was so enthusiastic!”

The pair would go on to dissect their similar fashion tastes, all the while collaborating on numerous DIY shoots. “The first few times [I styled Chloë] was just for test shoots,” says Van-Huy. “I would have these grimy clothes from the Salvation Army and she would put them on and then look at me. Encouragingly.”

Spur-of-the-moment photo sessions in New Jersey eventually led to more established shoots, with Van-Huy styling Chloë for early editions of i-D magazine, as well as that iconic Self Service cover photographed by Mark Borthwick. “I loved seeing Chloë in the tabloids! She had shot to that level of fame just at that time, where even the German tabloids had photos of her,” says Van-Huy. “I loved seeing her pictures. She practiced a lot of range at that time and she wore so many different kinds of looks. She was maybe the most exciting person to look at in magazines at that time.”

The relationship b

“Humberto Has Been A Designer Since Before He Was Born”

Mother’s Day is this coming Sunday and the Metropolitan Museum of Art just recently unveiled its latest exhibit earlier this week. The MET’s China Through the Looking Glass is an explorative exhibition that examines the Chinese culture and its deep impact on the fashion world. It seemed an opportune time to tap Humberto Leon’s like-minded mother Wendy Leon (who says she spent her first Mother’s Day “Too busy working—I didn’t really celebrate it!”), to talk about not adhering to cultural norms and look back on raising a Chinese-American fashion designer who is also leaving an imprint on the fashion world.

I never raised [Humberto] towards fashion. But in hindsight, maybe I did, because you never know who your child is going to become when they grow up. We worked really hard for our kids; I feel that the most important thing is letting the kids have a good education. When they were young, the kids (Humberto and his two sisters, Rica and Jose) would always work together with me because [I raised them as a single mom]. When Humberto was very young, he would come with me to my job in a sewing factory and help me with all of the different sewing work and fabrics. He always helped me put things together—like cutting the dress samples or putting sizes together—every day the same thing. Humberto has always worked with clothing: when I was pregnant with him, I was working in the factory sewing up until he was born, and then I walked over to the hospital. So he’s been a designer since before he was born!

We never knew that he would one day be a designer, but as a young child he was always very interested in drawing and things of that sort. When my family would come and visit from China, he was always dressing up my siblings and putting together outfits for them. We have a big family here and we always had parties at home, so he would help with planning parties in addition to the dress designs. I think by that time, we had an idea that he liked to do things like that.

My older daughter went to FIDM to study fashion, so maybe he was also inspired by her and learned from her. After Humberto graduated from Berkeley, he started working for the GAP and he soon started working at Burberry and I saw a lot of change in him. He really excelled in the job; that’s when I knew he truly had a talent for fashion.

Humberto has always been so proud to be Chinese and he has always respected our culture—I am so proud of him. We never had any sort of ideas or pressure to be any sort of profession in our family, only to remember that education is so important. All we wanted for the children was to get a good education, and then no matter what they did, they would succeed.Wendy Leon with a pint-sized Humberto LeonWendy and Humberto Leon  

Carol And Humberto Talk Opening Ceremony’s Early Days


Last night, Opening Ceremony founders Carol Lim and Humberto Leon spoke with Professor Hazel Clark, the Dean at the prestigious Parsons School of Fashion, as part of the school’s annual art and design festival.

While Carol and Humberto often give inspirational talks, this one hit close to home as the founders detailed how they started Opening Ceremony as wide-eyed twenty-somethings, all while sharing helpful advice with a crowd of eager young Parsons students. They even divulged why they picked lower Soho, then an area off the beaten path, as the first brick-and-mortar location (“Howard St. was a great way to avoid Canal Street—not that I don’t love Canal Street,” mentioned Humberto), as well as a few lofty ideas. “We wanted a Lazy Susan at the cash register that flopped over into a DJ booth,” said Carol, laughing and eyeing Humberto. “We also wanted the store to stay open until midnight because we wanted to shop late.”

While the DJ booth/cash register didn’t exactly play out, the vision and the fun behind Opening Ceremony prospered. “We’ve always said that Opening Ceremony is a family store,” said Humberto, thinking about his kids and the OC community as a whole. “It has evolved as we have evolved.”

Watch the Livestream video from the Parsons talk above.

The Selfie Gets An IRL Woven Treatment

With the launch of Selfish, Kim Kardashian’s highly publicized book of selfies, and the respective hashtag reaching over 260,000,000 posts on Instagram, it’s simple to write off this generation as a self-obsessed, yet insecure bunch who can’t resist overexposure. Artist Erin M. Riley delves deeper to examine the psychology of modern-day self-portraiture in her new exhibit Darkness Lies Ahead, at Joshua Liner Gallery. “I think humans have a desire to connect; and through the internet, the selfie is a tool to connect,” says tapestry master Erin M. Riley. “The ‘selfies’ came from my understanding and accepting that ‘woman’ does not equal ‘victim.’ And despite society's need to constantly protect women from the aggressor (men), it is society's job to deal with the aggressor's behavior, rather than keep women from expressing themselves in a sexual manner.”

Riley’s work goes far beyond textiles and the connotations of “internet art.” The custom tapestries reach over eight feet wide, are constructed with hand-dyed string, and display some mode of selfie—from above or a behind. Elsewhere, Riley spun creations of swerving highways that inevitably end with woven car crashes.

Seem disconnected? We thought so too, until we spoke with the artist.

CHLOE DEWBERRY: You source your imagery from the internet. Where do you find most of your images? Is it a case of Google search engines or do you get into a pretty heavy Tumblr K-hole?
ERIN M. RILEY: I grew up with the internet before the time of Friendster and Livejournal, so I never assimilated to Tumblr until recently—and I still don’t entirely get it. I was always more of a “Googler” when there was actually gritty, raw stuff to find on Google. Now everything weird is really hard to find so I go all over. Recently, girls have been sending me stuff via DM on Instagram. It’s a long process of collecting images and sorting.

What’s the connection between the female selfies and car accidents? Do the skid marks represent your temporary interactions with various men?
I had been weaving cars and car wrecks for the literal meanings, but I finally realized there were no representations of men. So with my semi-truck tapestries, I am thinking about men (or fathers specifically) with those pieces, especially in the Portrait of a Father series. I was researching the culture around drinking that is embraced during the college years and the subsequent traumas that cause (or are caused by) this behavior: drunk driving, DUIs, deaths, unwanted sexual experiences, and more. I had grown up hearing the term "daddy issues" as a derogatory term for girls who have lots of sex; and as someone who grew up without a father and loved sex, I was forced to analyze this term. Learning about the traits that both girls and boys have when they grow up without a father figure allowed me to understand my sisters’ reckless behaviors when it came to drugs and alcohol, as well as my own careless behavior when it came to sex. The selfies came from my understanding and accepting that “woman” does not equal “victim.” And despite society’s need to constantly protect women from the aggressor (men), it is society's job to deal with the aggressor's behavior, rather than keep women from expressing themselves in a sexual manner.

What’s going through your head as you continually weave each piece? I know

What To Really Expect When You’re Expecting—OC Style

Besides some of the more obvious answers (like being forever in debt from student loans), what would any of us do without our moms? Whose makeup would we have smeared across our faces? Who would we have fought with after the first time we thought it’d be a good idea to wax pencil-thin eyebrows? Seriously, they were always right… (Especially about those eyebrows.) When it comes to the fashion world, some kids are way more lucky than others—like having a mom that works at Opening Ceremony. Think of all the things you could borrow from her closet!

Becoming a new mom is exciting, and who wouldn’t have questions? Not only are you eating for two, you’re also going to be dressing for two. Our resident mommy-to-be
Bettina Chin had a few questions, and as our in-house counsel with just about the coolest nail art you’ve ever seen, it’s hard to imagine her not having the answers. So, Bettina asked Shirley Yung (OC’s VP of Product & Development and mother to 2-year-old Rae) some questions, because as you can see in the pic above, Shirley's clearly figured out mother-and-daughter style. And if you couldn’t tell, Bettina and Shirley are more like sisters than co-workers, so it was pretty fun to see them chat about motherhood tips.

BETTINA CHIN: At four months, I'm starting to noticeably “show,” but I just can't pull the trigger on buying maternity wear! What are your tips for staying stylish while sporting the bump?
SHIRLEY YUNG: I never bought any maternity wear. I think there are so many incredible options out there that can be worn after your bundle arrives; you don’t have to get actual maternity wear. The only exception would be jeans with the cool, stretchy attachment—but I don’t really wear pants so I didn’t get them!

How do you balance fashion and style with motherhood (i.e., with the breastfeeding, diaper changes, running around, and having so little time to yourself or to get ready)?
I like oversized and stretchy pieces that allow for good movement. Loose button-up dresses, like Acne Studios’ Tech Poplin Shirtdress, are great when you need to breastfeed because you can easily undo the top buttons. I love the OC Lotte Pleated Maxi-Dress and Norma Kamali.

Are there any clothing items or accessories that are a must-have for those who are pregnant or new mums?
OC Slip-On Sneakers, Birkenstocks, and Opening Ceremony x Teva Sandals are all “musts”—pregnant or not—because they’re so comfortable, yet stylish.

Now that I know I'm having a boy, whenever I think about decorating the nursery or picking out clothes, I feel guilty gravitating toward the color blue. Maybe it's because I always wanted to avoid the whole pink/girl vs. blue/boy conformity. Did you find yourself in a similar situation? H

Ace Hotel Celebrates Its BDay With An All-Day Celebration

Last Saturday, Ace Hotel New York celebrated its sixth birthday party with an all-day affair. It started with Tarot readings from OC alum Taya Kenny. Tunes were provided by several head-bumpin’ DJs, including our friend Kyle Wukasch. We even scored a few rounds of karaoke, kicked off by OCers Riley and Zacq.

Ace Hotel may be six, but they know how to throw a party for day-drinking, food-gorging adults. Here’s to many more fiestas to come!

If you missed the fun, check out the slideshow above.L-R: OC's Jimmy, Simon, Ace’s Podge, and OC's Fernando. Photos by Riley Gallagher OC's Jimmy and Simon enjoy a drink at the John Dory Stumptown’s Mike and OC's Nathan, featuring a Breslin BurgerL-R: OC's Sean, Bosco Boy, and Project No. 8's Stephen Stumptown girls and Ben Sisto (Ace party planner extraordinaire)OC's Zacq and Riley are the stars of Live KaraokeOC's Sean teaches the Stumptown Girls a thing or two about Bosco BoothsOC's Qiana and TayaKyle WukaschOC's Riley. Photos by The BoscoOC's Zacq and SeanGuestsGuests

For Eli Reed, Designing Is ‘Something Creative To Do Off The Board’

Here at OC, it's no secret that we appreciate a man with a skate deck. Take the skate deck out of his hands and add a roll of fabric? Consider us in love.

Since debuting his eponymous clothing line back in 2011—beginning with a focus on socks, tees, and accessories—Eli Reed has expanded his street-ready wares into a cohesive collection that now includes the whole getup.

For Spring/Summer 2015, Reed delivers his cheeky sense of humor with tees and accessories, most apparently with the Splash Pocket Tee and the aptly named Ass Tee, featuring prints of perfectly round derrieres. Even the graphic tees take on smart-ass lines like “Thanks But No Thanks” and a reassuring “Don’t Worry.” Elsewhere, subtle skate elements come through with a skater-embroidered 6-Panel Cap (in full-on “shaka brah” stance, of course) and checkered trim on Chinos. “I’m always drawing inspiration from so many different things,” says Reed. “The line is just going to change and evolve.”

Even with new developments and a constantly evolving menswear line, Reed insists that he’s not turning away from his first passion and the inspo it brings. “When you come from skating, it’s kind of inside you and you look at things differently,” says Reed. “[Designing] is something creative to do off the board.”

Shop all Eli Reed here

Check out the video below, where Eli Reed takes us fabric shopping near Skid Row.

Ass Tee in royal blue, Checkered Trim Chinos in white, Checkered Socks in black/white

The Mysterious Unknown

As someone who grew up in a big city, the “mysterious unknown” wasn’t the chaotic bustling streets or the daunting skyscrapers dozens of stories high or the miles of concrete populated with every possible walk of life. The “mysterious unknown” was everyone else’s backdrop: the clean, tranquil scenery of the American suburb.

I’d imagine dogs tethered to trees, quintessential bicycles abandoned on lawns, and the unwavering scent of freshly cut grass. I’d daydream about my imaginary suburban crush: the quiet, long-haired boy who lived a few doors down. I’d see him at school (though never in class), hidden under a tree smoking cigarettes, or stretched out on the bleachers napping, or whizzing past me on his BMX. On the rare occasion he did speak to me—perhaps at the block party where, out of boredom, he forced himself to open his mouth—his attempt at conversation usually involved some obscure band or foreign film made a lifetime before he was born. Certainly a film no one we knew had ever seen.

But behind his angst and puppy-eyed pretension, he was much like this fictionalized version of myself: lonely, lost, yet still hopeful, lazily floating about the black tops and greenery, waiting out the years that moved like molasses. It’s here, in a middle-of-nowhere utopian prison, we’d contemplate our suburban adolescent dreams. And perhaps imagine another “mysterious unknown” down the road, past the next small town.
On Alex: Toga Virilis Paisley Printed Pocket Tee in beige, Shinya Kozuka High-Waist Digital Printed Jeans in black/white, and Gosha Rubchinskiy x Vans Sun Printed Slip-On Sneakers in red. On Nina: Gypsy Sport Camo Denim City Cap in blue/light blue, Carven Logo Dress in jaune, Dorateymur Munise Nappa Leather High Heel Slip-Ons in white. Photos by Matthew Kelly; hair by Evanie Frausto at Bumble and Bumble; makeup by Jenny Atwood Smith at NARS; Alex Barna from Wilhemina and Nina de Raadt On Alex: Hartono Ari Sheer Striped T-Shirt in white, Tigran Avetisyan Elastic Waist Trousers in blue, and Opening Ceremony Slip-On Platform Sneakers in black. On Nina: Kiko Mizuhara for Opening Ceremony

Paula Cademartori Designs Handbags With An Architect’s Eye

At the end of the day, a well-constructed handbag is as much of a technical marvel as an ornate grand hall or a modernist skyscraper. Perhaps no one knows this better than Brazilian-born designer Paula Cademartori. Looking at the surgically precise silhouettes and perfectly placed adornments on Cademartori’s bags, it’s no surprise the Versace design team alum got her start studying industrial design.

What also comes as no surprise is Cademartori’s current home in Milan. Crafted in nappa leather, each of her satchels evokes imagery of Renaissance-era Italian architecture. From the stained-glass look of the Kate Nappa Vitello Specchiato Bag to the Petite Faye Nappa Borchie Bag’s cathedral dome-esque flap, Paula Cademartori ensures that you’re not just investing in an accessory, but a modern marvel. Hey, we’re not saying they’re the eighth wonder of the world, but if the bag fits...

Shop all Paula Cademartori here
Click through to view the latest collection from Paula Cademartori Kate Nappa Vitello Specchiato Bag in white/multi Dun Dun Nappa Bag in white/purple/blue Petite Faye Nappa Borchie Bag in lavender Dun Dun Nappa Borchie Bag in red Kate Nappa Borchie Bag in black

Meet The Blake Wright, Your Fave Fashion Designers’ Fave Artist

We came across The Blake Wright’s artwork via the Internet one day, and it was love at first sight. From Camper Together with Bernhard Willhelm GIFs to illustrated airplane passenger demonstrations that feature both Opening Ceremony logo and Vivienne Westwood World’s End at Opening Ceremony, the 33-year-old Texan has an arsenal of fashion-heavy artwork up his tattooed sleeve. We caught up with the artist to have him explain his process in his own words—as well as discuss his obsession with sequins, obscenities, and “shit that delights.”

Well, lets see... A quick overview would be to say that I’m an artist, a Texan, a consumer, and a jokester… and a recovering twink.

I’ve been drawing since I was a small child, drawing fashion since I was a not-so-small child, and drawing fashion as a career since I was a large, adult child. My parents helped me pursue my art at a young age so I was lucky enough to rack up those alleged requisite 10,000 hours one needs for success. I eventually went to college in Austin, although these days people are more interested in your purchase history than your degree.

I launched my blog about seven years ago when I moved to Dallas. I draw just about every day, so it started out as a catch-all for the doodles I’d accumulated over the years. It was a 50/50 split between fashion illustrations and penis jokes. Having originally entered the workforce as a web designer, my love affair with the internet and worship of the GIFs grew: enter moving fashion illustrations and moving penis jokes. My “creative process” is simple: similar to personal style or taste, I like what I like so I draw what I like. Although, in this particular landscape we live in, people tend to be more taken with a discerning eye for fashion than penises.

Most of my drawings are inspired by my actual life, my actual friends, and the brands and penises that are a part of said actual lives, of which fashion is integral. I met my boyfriend six years ago at Barneys New York in Dallas where he was working at the time. I’d already paid, but circled back to cruise a little longer, and asked him to help me find socks. I don’t even wear socks, but how will you get boys to like you if you don’t shop with them?

While I may salivate over high Parisian designer fash-eee-yon, personally I just can’t get it up for that seasoned-pop-princess price point or anything that’s too serious. Much like Opening Ceremony, I’ve always had genuine regard and adoration for more emerging and playful lines. I’m not taken with luxury so much as garments I find visually inspiring—wacky appliqué, clever construction, excessive use of sequins, and obscenities. I’m drawn to shit that delights. “I love it, but does it come in a print?”

It’s also important to acknowledge that I’m a 33-year-old male working from home. I’m throwing down on designer shower slides, not an oxford.

Okay, so while all of that bullshit was going on, eventually the Japanese took notice of the blog and I began doing a regular installation of horoscopes for GINZA magazine. The relationship lasted over five years and has since led to work for other brands and retailers overseas. I may not be huge in Japan, but I sure as shit ain’t a nobody. Aside from print, another portion of my work is digitally driven (I live for a GIF gig), collaborating with fashion blogs such as Refinery29,

Cosmic Numbers: May 12

Did you wake up today feeling indecisive about what to wear and now you just can't shake the slightly confused energy? Mars entered Gemini this morning, which is not great for decision making, but it will help you multitask your way through the rest of May. If you can't make up your mind right away, just move on and make the decision later. The answer will inevitably arrive, even if it takes some time.

(March 21 - April 20)
You’re never at a loss for words, but with Mars and Mercury both in chatty Gemini moving through your 3rd house of communication, you're very much in the mood to express exactly what's on your mind. Share your thoughts and get the conversation started. When Mercury goes retrograde later this month, you'll be glad you took this opportunity to speak up.

(April 21 - May 20)
Mars enters your 2nd house of financial affairs today, inspiring you to get everything in order. Use this time to explore all your financial options and lay the groundwork, but don't expect to make any major advances until mid-June since Mercury will be retrograde in the very same sector of your chart beginning on May 18.

(May 21 - June 20)
You've probably been feeling pretty low-key for the past couple of weeks, but with Mars in your sign (as of today) you will be ready to break free into the future. This week will be extremely productive, and you should move ahead on everything ASAP since Mercury will be retrograde in Gemini after May 18, which could create some obstacles. Right now the road is clear and your mind is uncluttered.

(June 21 - July 22)
Mars enters the sector of your chart today that rules past life Karma and emotional exploration, so try to chill out and enjoy the low-key wavelength. If you're trying to make things happen in a hurry you could end up feeling frustrated. But if you relax, everything will be totally okay.

(July 23 - August 22)
Your social life is heating up in May, and this weekend will definitely include some exciting events. Beware of overbooking yourself after Mercury goes retrograde on May 18, and be forgiving if plans fall through. You can be sure that something else will pop up to keep you entertained.

(August 23 - September 22)
Mars enters the career sector of your chart today, giving you the drive to fulfill all of your ambitions. Unfortunately, Mercury will be retrograde in the very same part of your chart after May 18, so you'll have to work hard to keep everything organized. With the energetic support of Mars, you should be able to make it happen.

(September 23 - October 22)
Mars enters your 9th house of exotic places and foreign travel, and it might feel like it's time to get out of town and explore new horizons. However, Mercury will be retrograde in the same part of your chart after May 18, which could lead to some confusing travel conundrums. Feel free to look into vacation packages for early summer, but avoid traveling from mid-May to early June if you have the luxury.

(October 23 - November 22)
You will be feeling serious spring fever while Mars is in your 8th house of sensual seduction for the rest of May. You probably won't find a soulmate but you will definitely have a good time!

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