Cosmic Themes
You're striking a professional high note as May begins, and there are several cosmic moments that will help maximize and crystallize your success before you have to put your thang down flip it and reverse it later in the month when Mercury goes retrograde in your 10th house of career causing you to re-think the direction you're heading in. There's a major push on May 3 when your ruling planet Mercury in your 10th house communicates with powerful Saturn, giving you an opportunity to express your ambition. The energy over this weekend is extremely productive for you, so maximize this opportunity by getting everything in your office organized, sending emails, and making plans for the next two weeks. If you've been planning to reach out to a professional contact about a possible collaboration, they would be extremely responsive around May 6 when dreamy and imaginative Neptune in your 7th house of partnerships communicates with Mercury in your 10th house of career. Your possible partner might not seem clear on the details of the proposal, but if you remain open to all the options a brainstorming session could prove to be extremely productive.
Full Moon Madness
When your ruling planet Mercury goes retrograde later in May it could become difficult to get your message across clearly. This won't be the case this Monday, however, since the full moon in Scorpio helps you communicate exactly how you feel. Use your clearest language to state exactly how you feel on this day and the universe will respond positively to your intentions. You will be busy with paper-work, errands, and activities that involve organization this weekend, but just go with the flow and get things done early so you don't have to worry about the crossed signals to come when Mercury goes retrograde on May 19. More fun will come in the future for sure.
New Moon News
You'll be really getting things done for the first half of May, so by the time the new moon in Taurus on May 18 rolls around you will be ready for a shift in perspective. Plan to do something that helps expand your horizons and gets you out of the daily grind on this date. A day trip out of town in a weird and intriguing location would help eliminate the boredom you could be feeling with your regular routine. If you can't take that much time out of your routine, do something that helps you feel relaxed and clear like going to a spa or a spiritual place.
Retrograde Realness
You share the planet Mercury with Gemini, and whenever it goes retrograde the two of you feel the effects most of all. On May 19 Mercury begins its 2nd retrograde of 2015 moving through the career sector of your chart. If you are feeling fine about the direction in which your work is moving, then you won't have that much to worry about. In fact, you could use this as a moment of pause to do research and development on a project that you didn't have time for in the past few months. Taking “time off” is the best way to deal with a Mercury retrograde. Of course you can't plan your vacation around a retrograde, and you probably wouldn't want to either, but what you can do is lighten your attitude and just let things take their own course. It's impossible to be totally in control of what's going on while the planet of planning is spinning backwards.
Cosmic Themes
Spring has totally sprung and you're ready to have some fun. Get ready for the gala, girl, it's going to be a social season! Jupiter, the planet of positive vibes will spend three more months in your 11th house of groups, but May will be the most fun by far because Jupiter makes a dazzling aspect with Uranus, the planet of surprises in your 7th house of partnerships, connecting you with people all month long in unusual ways. All of your social groups are coming together with you as the pivotal person putting everyone in touch. Plan a party towards the end of the month when the vibes will be the strongest for celebration. Your ruling planet Venus brings her sweetness to your 10th house of career and professional matters on May 7, speaking wonderfully of the work you've done. Venus will be in this positive professional placement until the beginning of June, but if you've been planning to ask for a raise or make a major proposal at work, do it in the window of time between May 7 and May 19 when Mercury goes retrograde.
Full Moon Madness
Money will be on your mind after the full moon in Scorpio on May 4, and you'll be in the mood to do anything if it helps you achieve the financial ability you're seeking. Something might not be quite right in the equation, but your ambitious energy will help you rebalance the books and get everything square. But beware of letting your ambitions turn into anxieties; there's more to life than material concerns, and this phase of consumer consciousness will pass with time.
New Moon News
Commitments you make around the new moon in Taurus on May 19 will be with you for a long time to come, so think seriously before you enter into any agreements. If you want to make a promise or a proposal to someone you love, this would be the ideal time to do it so that your love will last. Don't be afraid to dive into deep waters, you'll have plenty of time to get to know the unfamiliar features of the future as time goes on.
Retrograde Realness
You don't have to worry too much about Mercury's second retrograde of 2015, which begins on May 19 in the sign of Gemini, as much as you should be concerned about the retrograde in Libra later in September. However there will be some side-effects to this retrograde that you should be aware of. If you're planning a trip at the end of May or beginning of June, be super careful with all your possessions and make sure you set your alarm in time to catch your flights because the retrograde will want to cause confusion with every step you take out of town.
Cosmic Themes
You have lots of lunar magic to look forward to this month with a full moon in Scorpio that comes on May 4 putting events of the past two years into sharper focus. So much has changed for you in recent history that it might be difficult to grasp the ultimate meaning, but there is a theme that the full moon will help you understand. You've had a lot of thoughts about relationships and commitment lately, and these subjects will continue to be on your mind for the entire month of May. When Mercury begins retrograde in your 8th house, which rules promises, secrets and commitments on May 19, you might sense that something needs to change in a relationship that seemed solid previously. Discuss your feelings with the person in question and be open to what they have to say. There will be some give and take, but if you can come to a mutually agreeable conclusion your relationship will come out stronger than before.
Full Moon Madness
When a full moon falls in your sign, you reflect on what's happened over the course of the 2 1/2 year lunar cycle. A new moon in Scorpio more than two years ago opened you up and got you started on a tip that you're just now wrapping up. Is this a celebration? Or are you happy to be done with the energy that's leaving your personal universe on May 4? Either way, you will be feeling sentimental and maybe even a little bit emotional this Monday, so give yourself some space to relax and be with your own thoughts.
New Moon News
On the new moon in Taurus on May 18, you will be thinking about relationships and who you want to be partnered with. You will be very open to understanding and connecting with the energy of others, but at the same time aware of your own boundaries and what you need in return for your exchange from a special someone. If you're currently boo-ed up there could be a major milestone in your relationship around this date, but you should remember that since Mercury will be retrograde in your house of commitments for the rest of the month there could easily be a change of plans later. It's not usually the Scorpio way, but try to be flexible and go with the flow.
Retrograde Realness
Don't expect to any promises to be kept in late May and early June, because after Mercury goes retrograde on May 19 in your house of commitments, the energy you feel will be as flaky as a croissant. While you may not be the one breaking the promise, don't expect yourself to be gluten-free. If you attempt to restrict yourself or others during the retrograde, you could be left feeling burnt, so just try to go with the flow and release the stress. On the positive side, you could use the retrograde to renegotiate or reconsider a serious plan you made that feels like it needs revision.
Cosmic Themes
Close the door on the stressful vibes you were feeling all winter and throw away the key. You're about to go from #1 to Infinity in May while a positive placement between three planets in fire signs improve your mood and help distract you from the intense amount of work you've been taking on over the past few months. You've been inundated with everything mundane since Saturn entered Sagittarius, and you haven't been able to ignore these pressing responsibilities no matter how much you would have rather been partying and adventuring. It may have seemed as if all this work was totally thankless, but you will see this month that there will be a reward for the time you spent focusing and building your professional reputation. Venus in Gemini continues to make relationships extra cute for you until May 7. Use the good vibes and positive communication going on between you and your boo early in the month to elevate your emotional understanding. When Mercury goes retrograde on May 19 words will do you no good and there could be some serious misunderstandings if you're trying to take a straightforward approach to your close relationships.
Full Moon Madness
The full moon in Scorpio overnight on May 4 puts your karma in focus, and its time to get past the lives that are holding you back. Your recent rediscovery of responsibility has opened your mind to the effects of your actions and discouraged you from taking the easy way out of situations that normally you would have shrugged off. It might be time to repay a Karmic debt or help someone out who was there for you in the past. Do some good on the full moon and the energy you put out there will come back to you doubly in the future.
New Moon News
Your energy level is amped up by Jupiter, Uranus, and Saturn connecting in the fire signs and the new moon on May 18 will help you figure out new ways to channel this energy. You won't be able to stand still around this date because your soul will be cycling and your body will be racing to keep up. Consider signing up for a new series of classes at the gym and you'll be surprised how dedicated you become in the next few months.
Retrograde Realness
Mercury will be retrograde in your 7th house of relationships for 21 days beginning on May 19, so be super understanding towards your closest companions and attempt to avoid confrontations, they will only lead to confusion while this influence is at play. You should be especially wary of entering any contracts, signing leases, or agreeing to any long term partnerships until Mid-June. If circumstances require that you take one of the previously mentioned actions, be aware that the terms of your agreement are likely to change. This may not be a negative thing, so don't be afraid and remain open to what the universe wants to teach you. There could be flare-ups with BFFs/BFs/GFs around May 27 when fiery and passionate Mars joins Mercury in Gemini, pushing you to get the message across in a way that might not be so nice.
Cosmic Themes
Everything has been embarrassing while the Uranus-Pluto square made life more difficult than you ever thought possible over the past few months, but now things are coming to a new normal that you will finally be able to enjoy. On May 7, Venus, the planet of love, enters Cancer and your 7th house of relationships giving you good luck with others for the rest of May and early June. It will be impossible to resist your charms while Venus is in this totally cute spot, and its highly likely you will meet someone special in the next month. If you're currently in a relationship this will help improve the vibes and renew your commitment. Saturn, the planet of responsibility and Pluto, the planet of power (in Capricorn), are both retrograde well into the Summer, so you should take it easy and not be too serious over the next few months. Abandon your Type-A tendencies and chill out.
Full Moon Madness
The second week of May will be a majorly fun moment for you since the full moon in Scorpio stirs up energy in the social sector of your chart. Accept all the invitations that are extended to you this weekend because you are guaranteed to enjoy yourself. Work is not really on your mind at the moment, but the people you meet over the weekend could still prove to be positive connections in the professional sphere, so make sure you take your business cards with you wherever you go.
New Moon News
Romance that begins around the new moon in Taurus on May 18 will be #blessed twice by the planetary forces. Venus continues to be in the relationship sector of your chart while the moon begins a new cycle in your 5th house of romance, pleasure, and amusement. You will already know when you feel the vibes between you and this special person. If love is totally not on your mind, this new moon will also provide creative rejuvenation and serious inspiration. This could be just what you need to get a project kick-started with a collaborator who's been on your radar.
Retrograde Realness
You could be feeling strangely funk towards the end of the month while Mercury is retrograde in the health sector of your chart. This would be an ideal time to explore dietary concerns or consult an allergist. You might find out a life-long problem was simply caused by an aversion to gluten. Cut out the unnecessary junk from your diet while you're more aware of what's going on with your body.
Cosmic Themes
You will find inspiration in unusual places this month while a series of planetary events in Gemini seek to illuminate creative energy that's been previously untapped. Venus, the planet of love and positive vibes, and Mercury, planet of communication, are in your 5th house of inspiration and amusement as the month begins, and both will reward you for taking risks and following your passion. Don't be afraid to dive in to a new creative project that feels right but doesn't necessarily make sense on paper. You'll figure out the details later, and what matters most is that you get the ball rolling now while the energy is there. You tend to be a group oriented person, but you will find one on one relationships extremely rewarding this month while Jupiter, planet of good luck, shines bright in your 7th house of partnerships. Avoid making serious plans with anyone after Mercury goes retrograde on May 19. You're still allowed to dream together and share ideas, just don't commit until mid-June.
Full Moon Madness
Check your inbox first thing on Monday morning, the full moon in Scorpio on Sunday, May 4 illuminates the career sector of your chart and it could lead to something major in the week ahead. Powerful people in your life are giving you the consideration you deserve. You won't have to ask for favors because the universe already knows what you want to happen.
New Moon News
Get yourself grounded and centered on the new moon in Taurus May 18. It's time to really think about where you want to be in the long-term. What kind of home do you want to have? Do you see yourself having a family? Get serious about building your life and you'll be surprised by how supportive the universe will be right now.
Retrograde Realness
You already had your Mercury retrograde for 2015, so when the planet of communication turns backwards again on May 19 you'll be more prepared for the confusing energy that descends on your world. Mercury in Gemini will move through your 5th house of inspiration, and you could actually receive some seriously enlightening energy from the retrograde. Thinking outside the box and avoiding anything traditional will provide the most positive results.
Cosmic Themes
You will be floating through May on a lavender cloud that insulates you from some of the harsh realities that will be felt by the rest of the Zodiac. Venus, the planet of love enters Cancer on May 7 gliding through your 5th house of pleasure and amusement. This alone would be a lovely influence, bringing romance and exciting vibes into your life, but the influence will be double for you since Neptune, the planet of dreams, currently in Pisces will make a positive aspect to Venus later in the month. You'll be able to channel your wildest dreams into reality while this planetary placement helps you out. Your mood will be elevated all month, but it will be important to keep things level around May 25 and 27 when two aspects with Mercury retrograde in Gemini could create communication conflicts with close friends or family. They might just be jealous of the good vibes you're feeling.
Full Moon Madness
It's time for a spiritual vacation. The full moon overnight gave you dreams and visions of a future with wide open horizons, and what you need to do to get to this place is expand your point of view. Accept and explore new and challenging philosophies. There is no need to get stuck in the dogma you've been following. Let go and let yourself live a little bit more free and easy.
New Moon News
The new moon in Taurus on May 18 comes just a day before Mercury goes retrograde and could reveal an important piece of news that you'll come to understand better in the days to come. Pay attention to what the universe has to tell you today because the message might be delivered in an unusual form. Use your intuition to deduce the practical meaning buried in the code.
Retrograde Realness
On May 19 Mercury enters retrograde in your 4th house which rules sentimental situations and the home environment. Beware of issues with your living situation, and take practical precautions to ensure that everything is in working order in your home or apartment before the retrograde begins because it will be impossible to tackle any improvement or repair projects in your domicile for the month after May 19. This would be an ideal time to get in touch with family who you've lost contact with and share a moment of reunion. If you aren't the one who reaches out, this might happen organically.
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