This year, Art Basel was huge––in the most literal sense. The three hundred plus galleries that set up camp in the main pavilion alone (!) made for an expansive fair. But on top of that, the quaint and historic Swiss city teemed with even more art.
In a neighboring venue, 61 artists, including Franz West, Philip-Lorca diCorcia, and House Calls host Richard Phillips, presented large-scale installations as part of Art Unlimited, the fair's multi-media exhibition platform. Artists also presented works around Basel's historical center for Art Parcours, Art Basel's site-specific series of works and performances that were free and open to the public. There were many highlights to the fair, but the Beyeler Foundation's scenic Jeff Koons opening (pictured at left), which displayed the artist's work in a collection that included Picasso and Rothko, certainly topped my list.
With the countless talks and film screenings, museum openings, and other fairs happening simultaneously (like LISTE––which exhibited emerging galleries and artists in an industrial building with a tower overlooking the city––SCOPE, and VOLTA), there were plenty of stimulating things so see, hear, and do throughout the 3-day period.
Jeff Koons at Beyeler Foundation
Beyeler Foundation
Jeff Koons
Jeff Koons
Franz West at Art Unlimited
Richard Phillips' First Point, starring Lindsay Lohan
Olaf Nicolai
Sam Samore at Team Gallery
Ryan McGinley at Team Gallery
Rob Pruitt at Gavin Brown's Enterprise
Joelle Tuerlinckx
Roe Ethridge at Andrew Kreps Gallery
David Lamelas at Jan Mot
Amanda Ross-Ho at The Approach
Urs Fischer at Sadie Coles
Urs Fischer at Gavin Brown's Enterprise
John Waters at Marianne Boesky Gallery
Rob Pruitt at Air de Paris
Nicolas Krupp Gallery
Cindy Sherman at Metro Pictures
In a neighboring venue, 61 artists, including Franz West, Philip-Lorca diCorcia, and House Calls host Richard Phillips, presented large-scale installations as part of Art Unlimited, the fair's multi-media exhibition platform. Artists also presented works around Basel's historical center for Art Parcours, Art Basel's site-specific series of works and performances that were free and open to the public. There were many highlights to the fair, but the Beyeler Foundation's scenic Jeff Koons opening (pictured at left), which displayed the artist's work in a collection that included Picasso and Rothko, certainly topped my list.
With the countless talks and film screenings, museum openings, and other fairs happening simultaneously (like LISTE––which exhibited emerging galleries and artists in an industrial building with a tower overlooking the city––SCOPE, and VOLTA), there were plenty of stimulating things so see, hear, and do throughout the 3-day period.
Jeff Koons at Beyeler Foundation
Beyeler Foundation
Jeff Koons
Jeff Koons
Franz West at Art Unlimited
Richard Phillips' First Point, starring Lindsay Lohan
Olaf Nicolai
Sam Samore at Team Gallery
Ryan McGinley at Team Gallery
Rob Pruitt at Gavin Brown's Enterprise
Joelle Tuerlinckx
Roe Ethridge at Andrew Kreps Gallery
David Lamelas at Jan Mot
Amanda Ross-Ho at The Approach
Urs Fischer at Sadie Coles
Urs Fischer at Gavin Brown's Enterprise
John Waters at Marianne Boesky Gallery
Rob Pruitt at Air de Paris
Nicolas Krupp Gallery
Cindy Sherman at Metro Pictures