Chances are, if you're at work today, it might be on the slow(ish) side with many observing the MLK holiday. Good thing Google rolled out some of the cutest easter eggs-slash-inside jokes to keep things amusing on Google Hangout.
Full disclosure: To say that OC staffers are fond of chatting via pop-up boxes would be a vast understatement. "Just GChat me!" we'll shout to one another, and sometimes, admist the furious typing of keys, you'll hear someone outwardly gagging over a joke. Over GChat, of course.
So when we caught wind that Google hid some adorable easter eggs (think LOL goobers and a string of ponies) in OC’s communication method of choice, we geeked out a little a lot. "It was meant to amuse each other internally," said Hangouts Lead User Experience Designer Sanjay Mavinkurve, in a recent interview with The Atlantic. "But we loved it so much, we rolled it out publicly."
Thank you, Google. And if you’re reading this, we’re down for a Hangout easter egg collab. Call us, bbs. xoxo
Check out the slideshow above to learn how to up your chat game. TIP: These only work in the newest version of Google Hangout.
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What to type: /ponies What happens: A tiny pony runs across your screen. The ponies look awfully familiar, as well. An easter egg inside an easter egg?
What to type: /ponystream What happens: Same thing as /ponies, but with at least 20% more ponies.
What to type: /pitchforks What happens: An angry mob storms your chat window because you were supposed to get that report in an hour ago and let that temptress Gawker suck you in.
What to type: woot What happens: A little yellow guy looks very excited. Who is he? Where did he come from? Why is he so happy? Google's mysterious like that.
What to type: hahahaha What happens: Either some animals in clown outfits come to have a conversation without acknowledging you (rude) or your new yellow friend show up looking slightly less happy than "woot" but still thrilled nonetheless. TIP: This is an expert level easter egg because if you get the number of "ha"s wrong, nothing happens.
What to type: Happy Birthday What happens: You get delivered a beauti
Full disclosure: To say that OC staffers are fond of chatting via pop-up boxes would be a vast understatement. "Just GChat me!" we'll shout to one another, and sometimes, admist the furious typing of keys, you'll hear someone outwardly gagging over a joke. Over GChat, of course.
So when we caught wind that Google hid some adorable easter eggs (think LOL goobers and a string of ponies) in OC’s communication method of choice, we geeked out
Thank you, Google. And if you’re reading this, we’re down for a Hangout easter egg collab. Call us, bbs. xoxo
Check out the slideshow above to learn how to up your chat game. TIP: These only work in the newest version of Google Hangout.
Are you about it? Shop the OC Tech Shop here
What to type: /ponies What happens: A tiny pony runs across your screen. The ponies look awfully familiar, as well. An easter egg inside an easter egg?
What to type: /ponystream What happens: Same thing as /ponies, but with at least 20% more ponies.
What to type: /pitchforks What happens: An angry mob storms your chat window because you were supposed to get that report in an hour ago and let that temptress Gawker suck you in.
What to type: woot What happens: A little yellow guy looks very excited. Who is he? Where did he come from? Why is he so happy? Google's mysterious like that.
What to type: hahahaha What happens: Either some animals in clown outfits come to have a conversation without acknowledging you (rude) or your new yellow friend show up looking slightly less happy than "woot" but still thrilled nonetheless. TIP: This is an expert level easter egg because if you get the number of "ha"s wrong, nothing happens.
What to type: Happy Birthday What happens: You get delivered a beauti