Director Alexa Karolinski and designers Mike Eckhaus and Zoe Latta have been collaborating on videos since 2012. This past Saturday, they teamed up with Los Angeles' Museum of Contemporary Art for a "retrospective" screening of these films and to premiere their newest short, "Pigeon," featuring the Eckhaus Latta Spring/Summer 2015 collection and guest starring the barely-covered Jane Edwina Seymour and a flock of pigeons. Even though only a single pair of jeans is featured here (well, jeans and a macaroni-and-twine blouse), the video is an evocative presentation of the sentiment and artistic license behind the designers, who share a fine arts background from RISD.
Perhaps this atmosphere was made possible with the help of a special supporting character—vibrant, downtown LA. Watch the video; be prepared to raid your nephew's arts and crafts supplies.