With 60,000 visitors and 159 exhibitors, Frieze London can get overwhelming—whether you're in the tent at Regent's Park or just scrolling through on Instagram. Which is why, even in an era of image surfeit, it helps to have a filter. Enter Gillian Steiner, the London-based photographer who visited the fair this weekend and turned her lens in the direction of its many sculptures, photographs, installations, and performances. Check out her snaps above!
Gartenkinder by Carsten Höller. Photos by Gillian Steiner
Work by Lutz Bacher
Sendeschluss (End of Broadcast) I, Wolfgang Tillmans
A scuplture by Eric Bainbridge
An installation by Nina Beier
The Carlos/Ishikawa booth, wiht work by Korakrit Arunanondchai
Dinner/Lakes, Cory Arcangel
Jetlag and Foot to Mouth, Oscar Murillo
Can't Take My Eyes Off You, Gabriele de Santis in the Frieze Sculpture Park
Gartenkinder by Carsten Höller. Photos by Gillian Steiner
Work by Lutz Bacher
Sendeschluss (End of Broadcast) I, Wolfgang Tillmans
A scuplture by Eric Bainbridge
An installation by Nina Beier
The Carlos/Ishikawa booth, wiht work by Korakrit Arunanondchai
Dinner/Lakes, Cory Arcangel
Jetlag and Foot to Mouth, Oscar Murillo
Can't Take My Eyes Off You, Gabriele de Santis in the Frieze Sculpture Park