As anyone who reads this column knows, the Kardashians are in tune with the universe this year. Last week, the clan hit Paris Fashion Week, with Kendall walking catwalks, North West sitting front row, and Kim deftly avoiding a surprise tackle from an overzealous fan. Like Kim, you too are in danger of being swept off your feet by the cosmic energy this month, as two eclipses come in to topple the patterns we have been clinging to. The good news is, even if you risk a fall, there will be positive energy around, and just like Kim, you and your designer outfit will survive without as much as a scratch. Maybe you'll even get some publicity, too!
Liberation vs. integration will be the theme of the lunar eclipse on October 8, when the sun in partnership-oriented Libra opposes the Moon and Uranus, planet of freedom in Aries. The energy of this eclipse makes me think of the life-long love affair of Simone de Beauvoir and Jean-Paul Sartre, who prized their independence despite being inextricably linked by love, attraction, and intellectual bonds. On this eclipse, think about what partnership means to you. Consider how maintaining individuality and freedom within a relationship can actually strengthen it, rather than weaken it.
"I wish that every human life might be pure, transparent freedom" - Simone de Beauvoir, The Blood of Others
The solar eclipse on October 23 occurs when the new Moon in Scorpio briefly blocks out the radiant light of the Sun. This moment of darkness will help us consider how we can bring more light in to our lives this fall. The Scorpio eclipse helps heal wounds we have developed and break bad habits that block us from achieving our full potential. There may be a sense of loss or longing around this eclipse, but think of this void as a space to be filled with new energy.
Consider your words carefully all month long, because Mercury will be retrograde from October 3 until October 25 in the signs of Scorpio and Libra. In Scorpio, Mercury retrograde can cause us to say insensitive (although honest) things that we regret later, and in Libra, Mercury becomes sensitive and a little bit wishy-washy. Try not to take negative words personally, and give your friends a second chance to be kind in the retrograde re-wind.
Shop all Astrology IRL here
Plus, look out for our Cosmic Numbers series, where Morgan gives tips and predictions for specific calendar dates, all month long.
(September 23 - October 22)
I know that the Middle Path is your preferred way of being, but this month you may have to set aside your pursuit of Zen in order to tackle the drastically varied energies the universe is sending your way. There will be an eclipse on October 8 in the sign of Aries, which falls directly opposite your Libra sun in your 7th house of partnerships and relationships, sending you challenges in this area of existence. This past spring Mars in Libra prompted sweeping changes in the way you give and exchange energy, and this eclipse comes in to see if you kept up with the new rules you laid out for yourself earlier in the year. You will receive support from your ruling planet Venus in Libra all month long, giving you an upper hand even if the eclipse proves to be a hectic moment. Throughout the month, Uranus, planet of surprise, will be making positive aspects from your 7th house of relationships, making your relationships with B
Liberation vs. integration will be the theme of the lunar eclipse on October 8, when the sun in partnership-oriented Libra opposes the Moon and Uranus, planet of freedom in Aries. The energy of this eclipse makes me think of the life-long love affair of Simone de Beauvoir and Jean-Paul Sartre, who prized their independence despite being inextricably linked by love, attraction, and intellectual bonds. On this eclipse, think about what partnership means to you. Consider how maintaining individuality and freedom within a relationship can actually strengthen it, rather than weaken it.
"I wish that every human life might be pure, transparent freedom" - Simone de Beauvoir, The Blood of Others
The solar eclipse on October 23 occurs when the new Moon in Scorpio briefly blocks out the radiant light of the Sun. This moment of darkness will help us consider how we can bring more light in to our lives this fall. The Scorpio eclipse helps heal wounds we have developed and break bad habits that block us from achieving our full potential. There may be a sense of loss or longing around this eclipse, but think of this void as a space to be filled with new energy.
Consider your words carefully all month long, because Mercury will be retrograde from October 3 until October 25 in the signs of Scorpio and Libra. In Scorpio, Mercury retrograde can cause us to say insensitive (although honest) things that we regret later, and in Libra, Mercury becomes sensitive and a little bit wishy-washy. Try not to take negative words personally, and give your friends a second chance to be kind in the retrograde re-wind.
Shop all Astrology IRL here
Plus, look out for our Cosmic Numbers series, where Morgan gives tips and predictions for specific calendar dates, all month long.
(September 23 - October 22)