Just when you thought your wallet couldn't handle any more cash-pulling or debit card tugging, the tech gods have created a new shopping app that is sure to get your Moschino Spongebob pouch ready to rumble. Not in the mood to leave your apartment to go shopping for Opening Ceremony Varsity Jackets? Can't be bothered to take your fingers away from your phone even thought you want––no, NEED––those Slip-On Platform Checkered Sneakers? Lucky for you, there's Spring.
Spring, an e-commerce start-up based in downtown New York, just launched yesterday, but the buzz has been palpable for months. The brainchild of tech whiz-slash-entrepeneur brothers David and Alan Tisch, Spring acts as a sort of elevated version of Instagram... that is, if Instagram gave you the magical ability to purchase your favorite pieces with just the swipe of a finger. While the 'gram has been a major revolution in the world of e-commerce, the fact that you can't easily buy the outfits pictured has become a defining factor in the way that shoppers purchase from their iPhones. Now, you'll no longer need to clumsily switch between apps to shop from your mobile device. The Spring main page acts as a social feed where you can "follow" your favorite brands (Opening Ceremony is a launching partner), catch up with new brand additions you're already following, and like or share items via Twitter, Facebook, or iMessage. As if it could get any more user-friendly, you can even browse for items by popularity (new, lusty pieces are added every few minutes).
Yesterday, OC sat down with Ara Katz, Spring's co-founder, to talk shop and pick her crazy-smart brain on just about everything else. “Ultimately, the incentive was to create a connection between the people who make things and the people who love things," Ara told us. "When you see the app, there’s a real care for design. Once you see the items that are available, you see there’s a real curation of people who love to make beautiful things, and of course, the technology is one of the most extraordinary factors,” Katz added. The polymath entrepeneur, ex-film producer would know—she helped start the curation-in-consumer-storytelling fire with BeachMint, and then StyleMint with the Olsen sisters.
So, what are you waiting for? Start shopping for OC Collection, ILLESTEVA, ASSEMBLY NEW YORK, and PATRICK ERVELL from your iPhones now––we promise it will happen faster than you can figure out the correct pronunciation of Illesteva (that's Illest-EVA, not -EEVA, people!).